Web development with Rocket

Date: 2024-01-21T17:00:00 UTC
Location: Virtual

Rust is primarily a system-language, but there are plenty of web framework for Rust. At this event we are going to show how to get started using the Rocket web framework.

This event will be in Zoom.

Let me try to add the starting time in several time-zones manually. In pleaces where the Rust Maven site is the most popular.

location date
USA West coast 9:00 am
USA East coast 12:00 am
UK 17:00
CET 18:00
Israel, Ukraine 19:00
India 22:30

The speaker is Gabor Szabo who is trying to make Meet-OS web site work well.

As you can see you are on the meet-os web site and it looks like someone has just started to develop it. You are right. I've started to write it at the beginning of 2024 (that's 2 days ago) while trying to learn how to use Rocket.

Hopefully by the time I am going to give this presentation the site will work much better.


Soon, hopefully within days I'll add the registration system to this web site and then you'll be able to register and get notification of the event. For now, mark it in your calendar.

If you'd like to be notified when the registration is open follow this issue.

Organized by Rust Maven.